Shuttle services and transportation options are subject to change.
Shuttle services and transportation options are subject to change.
On primary arrival and departure days (semester start and end, 感恩节假期, and Spring Break) the College offers convenience shuttles as an affordable option to the following airports and train stations outside of Vermont:
All convenience shuttles can be used to get to scheduled train or airplane travel or as or as a pick-up/drop-off location for students who live in the area.
Reservations in advance are required and space is limited, so early planning is highly recommended. Payment will be collected at the time a reservation is made.
的re is no charge for the shuttles to the Brattleboro Train station, 但要有座位需要提前预订.
的re is no charge for the shuttles to the Brattleboro bus station, 但要有座位需要提前预订.
报名参加穿梭巴士: Click on the date that is hyperlinked to the reservation form.
学生将获得司机的姓名, 手机号码, and meeting location on property 24 hours in advance of arrival at the designated airport/out-of-state train station. 司机到达或飞机/火车下机时, students should call the driver and advise which terminal they will be waiting at. 然后司机会去接他们.
注意:预订不能往返. 如果你登记乘坐班车离开校园, 你打算重返校园, you will need a reservation for a return shuttle to campus.
**Shuttles are for students traveling without their families.
如果你对穿梭交通有疑问, 请联络学生事务处行政助理, 丹•詹金斯,电邮或电话802-387-6779.
If your plans require travel outside of our scheduled convenience shuttles, please see the “私人交通工具 Services” tab on this page.
Local companies offer private transportation to students and families whose needs fall outside of our general/scheduled shuttle services on this page.
的 达特茅斯的教练 and 康科德的教练 bus lines will also bring students directly to Logan Airport in Boston.
Students and families should contact these services directly:
Please note: Uber and Lyft services are extremely limited in our area and availability should not be assumed.
如果你对穿梭交通有疑问, 请联络学生事务处行政助理, 丹•詹金斯,电邮或电话802-387-6779.
请填写这张表格 下午4点前交.m. the day before you would like your prescription picked up, and a driver from Landmark College will pick-up the prescription up for you. 这项服务不收费.
You must present your student ID to collect your prescription.